It's hard to believe that the first Olympics was one day and had only one event which was a short sprint. Now we have much more events were added to make the Olympics four days.

Events- When a person wins event they don't get a medal but they crowned with a wreath of leaves and they are honored and respected as a winner. All events are competed nude. To enter into the Olympics you had to be a rich man, free, and speak Greek. If you do get to go to Olympia you had to train for 10 months at your hometown and then travel to Olympia to train for another month.

Boxing- Boxing has very few rules. Basically an opponent is chosen randomly for your fight and to win you had to knock out the other competitor or the other competitor surrenders. Boxers wrap (himantes) pieces of leather around hand and wrist for protection.

Equestrian events (Cattle Events)

Chariot racing- There are 3 kinds of Cattle races, 2 horse chariot races and 4 horse chariot races. Each type of cattle race is separated into its own race. The race track is 12 laps around the stadium track or in other words 9 miles

Riding- This event is basically the standard race while riding a horse. The interesting thing about this event is if a rich person pays for the training of the jockey (rider) and the horse’s needs, if the jockey wins the rich person sponsoring the jockey is crown with the leaves no the jockey. The course for this event is 6 laps around the track, or 4.5 miles.

Pankration- This event is the combination of boxing and wrestling. Punches were allowed but himantes were not used.

Pentathlon- This is a 5 part event of discus, javelin, jumping, running, and wrestling

Discus- We consider discus is an important part of the Pentathlon to test the strength of the competitors. The discus is made of stone, iron, bronze, or lead and is shaped like a plate. The weight of the discus varied through the different age groups. The objective of discus is the throw the discus as far as possible to obtain the farthest throw.

Javelin- The objective of javelin is the same as discus but using a spear like stick instead. The javelin is a wood man-height stick either sharpened at the end or has a metal point attached to the front.

Jump- This objective of this event is jump as far as possible. The athletes use halters (jump weights) to propel themselves even farther.

Running- There are 4 types of race

Stadion- This is the oldest event and the simplest. The length of the race is 1 stade or 192 metres

2 stade races- Double the stadion

Long distance- 7 to 24 stade race.

Race in armor- this event is 2-4 stades ran by athletes in armor. Since the weight of the average hoplite armor is about 50-60 pounds you can probably imagine what it would look like. This event is also very useful in building agility that they may use in there military service.

Wrestling- The objective of wrestling is to throw the opponent on the ground landing on a hip, shoulder, or back. 3 throws are necessary to win a match. Biting is illegal but braking fingers however is not.

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    Cooper A. was a privately tutored until he became an adult. The trojan times instantly saw his talent in the work of his book "Cheater" and hired him on their team. Cooper now writes the sports section and the editorials in the world renowned newspaper, "The Trojan Times"


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